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As a new blogger, I have joined several Facebook groups to assist me with learning and maneuvering the world of blogging.

The thought of starting a blog sounds cool, right? However, when the time came to build it from scratch, it felt a bit overwhelming. Especially when compared with those bloggers who are well versed in their blog niche. As I sit back and read through the numerous blog postings, I began to question if this blogging thing is worth it or not. Guess what, it’s worth it. The one thing that I know is when fear begins to creep in you can do one of two things (1) forget everything and run or (2) face everything and rise.

Well, here I am two months later and I’m still at it. I’ve decided to face everything and rise. I’ve met quite a few bloggers in various niches who have been extremely supportive. In fact, it is their encouraging words that have helped me make it through this far.

I’ve met one blogger, Samantha at Charmingly Stated and we kept the lines of communication open through Social Media. I found her on Facebook and we have since connected on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Her blog is motivational, educational and most importantly spiritual. When I felt like I wanted to give up, I would stumble across an encouraging tweet or an Instagram photo. According to her blog, “if you’re interested in living a more balanced, mindful, conscious, and positive life; join her community where everyone supports each other’s growth!”

Samantha reached out to all interested bloggers on Twitter and Facebook and created a post called the Bloggers Showcase – Summer 2018 Edition, that features a vast array of bloggers from various blog niches. And guess what, I was featured in the showcase!! Although my blog had not launched at the time, she gave me the opportunity to be featured in her Summer 2018 Bloggers Showcase and for that I am truly grateful. To read more about  the blog feature click here.

Learn more about me on my About Me page or by following CoinCountinMama on Instagram.