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Last year (2017), I became a new mommy. I was excited about the pregnancy (so excited that I started building my baby registry 12 weeks into my pregnancy). As a first time mom (FTM), I had this idea that my baby had to be equipped with the basic essentials.

The registry process was overwhelming. Each store (Babies R Us/Buy Buy Baby/Target) has their own lists of “recommended items” for baby. As a FTM, you don’t know which items will work and which items to leave at the store. Since I started my registry early, the registry evolved with the progression of my pregnancy. In the end, I researched baby items and I added the items that had strong reviews.

Fast forward to today, one year later. This afternoon, I was reorganizing my son’s room and I stumbled across several items that I just had to have that been sitting in my son’s closet since the baby shower.

I’ve compiled a list of items that you can leave off of your baby registry.

Let’s get to it.

The Top 8 Items (Based on my personal experiences) to leave off your baby registry are:

    1. Breast Pump. Breast pumps are expensive and can range in price from $59 to $699.99. I knew that I was going to breastfeed my baby so I had to have a breast pump. Initially, I placed a breast pump on my registry.  However, another mom shared with me that my insurance plan may cover the cost of a breast pump. I reached out to my insurance company and learned that they covered 100% of the cost of a breast pump. Find out if your insurance will cover the cost of a breast pump and if they do, you will not have to place on your registry.
    2. Newborn Baby Bibs. I did not place this item on my registry. However, we received a lot of them. I didn’t use them, I used cloth diapers or receiving blankets to wipe from around his mouth or to catch spit ups. By the time your baby will need to use a bib, these bibs will be too small.
    3. Wipe Warmer. A COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY. I received the Munchkin Bright & Warm Wipe Warmer from Target. In the beginning, the wipe warmer was good. My baby would scream bloody murder EVERYTIME I’d change his diaper. When we’d wipe his bottom using the warm wipes, he would slightly calm down. However, this was short lived, by the time he was three weeks old. I was over the warmer simply because (1) the lid would not stay closed. It would pop open at any given moment and (2) the wipes would dry out. You can place water in the bottom of the wipe warmer reservoir to keep them warm but I always dealt with the wipes drying out regardless if we refilled the water or not.
    4. Bottles. I breastfed exclusively for the first three months. My son would occasionally take a bottle when I wasn’t around. In the early days, we tried 2 different brands before we found a bottle that stuck. I’m not completely against purchasing bottles, however you will not know which brand of bottles your baby will adapt to.
    5. Bottle Warmer. I assumed this was a must have…..I was wrong across the board. LOL. One morning, dad decided he’d get up at 3am to feed the baby. We used the bottle warmer to warm up a bottle and it took 10 minutes. My baby was so upset, he was screaming his head off and I ended up nursing him because he gotten so upset. The next night, I warmed up water in a coffee mug, placed the bottle in the mug and gave it to my baby 3 minutes later. Best trick ever.
    6. Bulb Syringe/Nasal Aspirator. You will receive one in the hospital. The reason why I do not like them is because you cannot gage how much is coming out of your baby’s nose and you cannot clean them out. Baby squirms every time you use them and it’s difficult to clean them out. I couldn’t deal with the hassle.
    7. Clothes. Do not add clothes to you registry. Friends and family will purchase clothes for you regardless if you place them on your registry. My baby is almost one year old and I’m still receiving clothes in the mail for him from friends and family members, just because they saw an outfit that was too cute to pass up.
    8. Sophie – Teething Giraffe. This giraffe had rave reviews. Everywhere we looked there was a raving review about this giraffe. Long story short, my son hates it. He doesn’t even want to touch it. He’d rather use his pacifier as a teether.

As you complete your baby registry, there is one thing that you should consider. That is do we have the basic essentials. If you’re a new mom, as your mom friends if there are items that they would or would not recommend. You may not agree with everything but you will find their advise to be useful.

If there’s an item that’s listed above that you absolutely need to have but it wasn’t listed on your registry, use one of the gift cards that was gifted to you at the baby shower. If you have to have it right now and you can’t leave the house – go ahead and buy it off of Amazon. LOL.

Leave a comment below and share an item that you placed on your baby registry that did not work for you or your baby. Learn more on my About Me page or by following CoinCountinMama on Instagram.

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8 Baby Registry Items You Can Live Without |